The Jai Jais Blog

What Does “Shanti” Mean?

What Does “Shanti” Mean?

Shanti is a Sanskrit term meaning "peace." In Hindu practices, also in Buddhist and Jain practices. Shanti is often chanted three times to represent threefold peace in body, mind and spirit.  It’s a beautiful meaning and also a very beautiful sound. 
Mother Earth Day. Who is Bhumi Devi?

Mother Earth Day. Who is Bhumi Devi?

Bhoomi Devi is our Sacred Goddess Mother Earth. She is the mother of every life that has ever taken birth from her and has lived upon her. Bhoomi Devi is a combination of two words namely 'bhoomi' and 'devi'. Bhoomi refers to earth and Devi refers to Goddess in, thus Bhoomi Devi is Earth Goddess. Bhoomi Devi is the consort of God Varaha, who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Devi Bhoomi is depicted as a beautiful shapely Goddess adorned with a lot of jewellery. She sits on a lotus, wearing a heavy crown and many jewellery around her neck, hands and feet. She sits there calmly with a smile on her face.

Holy Cow!

Holy Cow!

It was said that the first cow appeared during the Samudra Manthan, churning of the sea in the Bhagavata Purana in the Mahabharata and in the Vishnu Purana. Lord Krishna grew up herding cows, and playing his flute to the Gopis (milkmaids). His names “Govinda” and “Gopala” means, friend and protector of cows. Even Lord Shiva’s Bull Nandi is the sacred bull. Nandi is worshipped in his own right as the bearer of truth and righteousness.
The Symbolism of the Conch Shell

The Symbolism of the Conch Shell

Conch shell is a significant instrument in Hinduism. The conch shell is known as the 'Shankha' in Sanskrit. It is a symbol of purity, brilliance and auspiciousness. In Hinduism, the sound from the conch is associated with the sacred syllable 'Om' which is believed to be the first sound of creation. The Shankha or conch marks the beginning of any good work. The sound of the conch is believed to the purest form of sound which ushers in freshness and new hope.

The word 'Shankha' literally means pacifying the inauspicious and impure. Therefore the conch shell is blown at the beginning of any religious ritual in Hinduism.

Who is Dhanvantari and what is his role in Ayurveda?

Who is Dhanvantari and what is his role in Ayurveda?

According to modern Ayurvedic sources, the origins of Ayurveda have been traced to around 6,000 BCE. Many herbs some now unknown and some still used in Ayurveda to this day, were originally described in the Vedas. Ayurveda was recorded in Sanskrit, in the Vedas: the Rig Veda (3000-2500 BCE), Yajur Veda, Sam Veda, and Atharva Veda (1200-1000 BCE). In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.” 
What Are Hinduism's Holy Texts?

What Are Hinduism's Holy Texts?

The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion are written in Sanskrit and called the Vedas.

Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several scriptures. The Vedas scriptures guide Hindus in their daily life. They also help to preserve the religious dimensions of family and society. Hindus have developed their system of worship and beliefs from the scriptures.

There are two main categories of the Hindu scriptures:

Shruti-"That which is heard", consists of the four Vedas and Upanishads scriptures.

Smriti-"That which is remembered", composed of traditional texts, including the Dharma Shastras (legal and ethical texts), the Puranas, and the folk/historical legends known as the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Let's find out more The Jai Jais way.