The Jai Jais Blog

Why Do We Fear The Influence of Shani Dev?

Why Do We Fear The Influence of Shani Dev?

People fear Shani Dev because they are unaware of his nature and role in their life. He evaluates a person’s karma and dharma and accordingly functions in their life. When people suffer, they think they are being punished by shani dev through suffering. Actually there is no such thing. He just facilitates us to catch up with our karma - be it good or bad.
Why do Hindus Worship Trees?

Why do Hindus Worship Trees?

Hindus have also paid great respect to trees and other plants as they are the foundation of life. In Hindu religious texts such as the Puranas great importance has been shown to trees and plants, equating them with Gods. It has been written to treat them as members of the family. Scientists have stated that trees and plants are living beings.
Why Do Women Apply Sindoor?

Why Do Women Apply Sindoor?

The red colour of the Sindoor is a symbol of feminine energy. Its is not just a tradition or ritual but can also has health benefits. Sindoor is made up of turmeric and lime, and can ease stress and strains keeping the mind cool and the brain alert and active. As the bindi it is placed at the Ajna Chakra close proximity to the brain stimulation focused, concentration and emotional regulation. The parting line is known as Brahmarandhra, the gateway to consciousness.
What is a Mantra?

What is a Mantra?

Chanting mantras has been given immense importance in Hinduism, taken from scared texts. The sound produced by the chants and the movements of the lips while chanting the mantras, creates vibrations that makes a person feel the presence of divinity in their surroundings. They can be spoken out loud or internally. Mantras continue to be an important ritual of Hindu worship.
Why Do We Offer Prashad?

Why Do We Offer Prashad?

“Prasada”, in Sanskrit, meaning “favour” or “grace“ is food and water offered to a deity during puja. It is believed that the deity partakes of and then returns the offering, thereby consecrating it. The offering is then distributed and eaten by the devotees. The blessing of the prashad comes from its having been touched by the deity. 
Why Do We Tie A Red String On Our Wrist Before  Ceremony?

Why Do We Tie A Red String On Our Wrist Before Ceremony?

I have sat in many puja’s since I was a little girl. Pujas during the wedding,  new home, new baby, Ganesh Puja’s and many more.  Each marking a milestone in my life.  I noticed every time we start the ceremony that the Brahmin would always tie a red string around out writs before we sat in pooja.  Has this happened you? I don’t know what it is but when that red string was tied on my wrist I always felt a connection to jai jais and felt special and empowered.
Why Do Gods & Goddesses Use Different Vehicles?

Why Do Gods & Goddesses Use Different Vehicles?

Vahana means that which carries, bears or conveys, which is usually a reference to a vehicle. It is derived from the sanskirt word “vaha” means bearing, carrying. The idea of vehicle or Vahana is rooted in the Vedas. The gods live in the higher worlds. They use the Vahanas to travel from world to world or to visit their devotees and other divinities. When a ceremony is performed upon earth, they descend to the earth in their respective vehicles to receive their offerings.
Why Do We Worship Surya?

Why Do We Worship Surya?

The oldest Indian scripture, the Rig Veda, describes Surya in a Vedic mantra as the ultimate source of light as well as the origin of the universe. So who is Surya Dev? He is the god of the sun. The sun is the ultimate source of energy and life on Earth. If worshipped on a Sunday he will grant your wishes, worship him daily and be blessed with success, health and prosperity. He can remove all kinds of problems in life.
Pancha MahaBhuta

Pancha MahaBhuta

According to Hinduism, it is believed that everything within the universe is created from a combination of five elements. This applies to, not only Planet Earth, but all cosmic creations along with living and non-living things. Ayurveda philosophy also highlights that the human body, too, is composed of these five elements, and considered as a miniature representation of the universe itself.
What is Vastu Shastra?

What is Vastu Shastra?

We all make our house a home, and want positive vibes and good energy around us in our homes. According to ancient traditions and beliefs each home comes with its own energies, it needs to radiate the right kind of energy. This can influence the people in the house. So what actually is Vastu Shastra? It’s a healing art bringing positivity and good vibes into our home.
How Do We Arrange Deities In Our Home?

How Do We Arrange Deities In Our Home?

Recently my parents have renovated their bedroom, its been fun choosing new furniture, paint, carpets and the rest of the soft furnishings, definitely a big passion of mine! One of the central pieces in my parent’s bedroom is the mandir.  Again even with the renovation it had the central place.  Yesterday mum and I were putting back in its place and cleaning the mandir and murtis, its got me thinking, whilst gently placing the murtis, are there any rules where each one should be placed? I learnt about the following Pooja Room Vastu.

Who Actually Is Ravana?

Who Actually Is Ravana?

Ravana played his role as a bad guy, he  that brought balance to the world. There are many people in the world, who still worship him. The fact remains that the story of this demon King is both fascinating and awe-inspiring. An expert in the 64 arts; a musician and astrologer. A mighty Atimaharathi (warrior who could fight and vanquish several warriors at a time); a capable ruler and administrator; an unswerving devotee of Shiva; the one who got his name from Shiva himself - there are indeed so many things to admire about this great soul. Yes, his ego came in the way of his progress as a seeker.




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