The Jai Jais Blog

Mother Earth Day. Who is Bhumi Devi?

Mother Earth Day. Who is Bhumi Devi?

Bhoomi Devi is our Sacred Goddess Mother Earth. She is the mother of every life that has ever taken birth from her and has lived upon her. Bhoomi Devi is a combination of two words namely 'bhoomi' and 'devi'. Bhoomi refers to earth and Devi refers to Goddess in, thus Bhoomi Devi is Earth Goddess. Bhoomi Devi is the consort of God Varaha, who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Devi Bhoomi is depicted as a beautiful shapely Goddess adorned with a lot of jewellery. She sits on a lotus, wearing a heavy crown and many jewellery around her neck, hands and feet. She sits there calmly with a smile on her face.